Drop Your Shoulders: Give Grace

It’s been a few weeks and my fingers are twitching to write – but will still keep it short!

Today’s Serve60Sharp concept is grace. Give it to yourself and others. We NEVER know what’s going on in someone’s life. Many times even our closest friends.

Americans suck it up and do what we need to do. Especially women. Whining about it doesn’t solve anything, so we do what we need to get the work done.

If you or your friends are women, or of a minority race, religion, or orientation, the firehouse of executive orders affronting basic respect and human decency has been… A LOT. On top of our daily mental load is the doubt we’ve felt about the talk vs. the reality of gender and race equity – which is playing out in real time – while industry leaders celebrate.

Think about the last month in your world. Here’s a snapshot of mine:

  • Five funerals in four weeks
  • Two friends facing divorce, both due to infidelity, and both have teenagers at home (as if that’s not enough!)
  • My kiddo’s nonstop holiday anxiety, exhibited by verbal & physical aggression
  • January death-aversaries
  • AND SNOWPOCALYPSE. Yes, I’ll admit the snow was pretty. TWENTY DAYS AGO. It’s still here, meaning it’s been miserably COLD.

All that is to say our neighbors are having a rough time. YOU are likely having a rough time. Take a deep breath. Slow down in the subdivision. Wave someone to go ahead of you in line or on the road. That extra second you gave them also gives you one. Breathe in, breathe out. You just gave yourself grace.

Happy serving,

Stephanie Sharp

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