Fun & Friendly > Stuffy & Boring
Town Hall meetings are a public service must-do. Incumbents should be doing them – and if they aren’t – there’s a vacuum for candidates to fill!
When: Monthly or Quarterly. Create a standing meeting time/day.
- Example: 2nd Sundays at 2.
Where: Free is best! Some of these may have a small charge.
- Public Facilities:
- Libraries
- City Hall conference rooms
- School or college libraries, cafeterias, gymnasiums
- Businesses:
- Any space with a separate room:
- Grocery store deli seating area (our favorite!)
- Coffee shop
- Restaurant
- Bar
- Food-based locations: Be a good guest. Purchase food/drink from them.
- Large office lobbies or conference rooms
- Any space with a separate room:
- Churches:
- Sanctuary
- Fellowship Hall
- Classroom
What to Bring:
- Wear a branded shirt or nametag
- Blank nametags
- Sharpie marker, pens
- Clipboard for sign-in sheets with your logo (or an iPad with a Google Form).
- Columns for:
- Name
- Email address
- Residential address
- Checkbox to request a yard sign.
- Current campaign or official literature, tchotchkes
- Lemonade or iced tea and cookies
- Cups and napkins
- Columns for:
Signage: Post yard signs outside the event location 15 minutes beforehand. Remove them afterward.
Awareness: Advertise!
- Local newspaper: Inform local reporters
- Email newsletter (of course!)
- Text invitation to voters
- City/County/School/PTA/Social or Civic organization newsletters
- HOA newsletters
- Social media networks
- Recruit a friend to take photos of the event, candids with constituents, etc.
Publicly thank the facility/manager/owner for use of the space and ask attendees to patronize the business/organization.
Happy serving!