News Hack

There’s a lot of consternation about where to find the most accurate sources of news. Then, when you do find articles which pique your interest, they’re behind a paywall. This week’s act of service is to share a news hack shared with us a few weeks ago… Copy the URL of the article you want to read and this website cuts through most website paywalls to …

Embrace the Tagalongs🍪

It’s Girl Scout Cookie time! If your family is still selling, please add their cookie link in the comments so we can indulge our addictions… er… support them. The hubs and daughter are Thin Mint purists, but I’m a Caramel deLite junkie. What’s your favorite? Today’s Serve60Sharp tip has nothing to do with cookies per se, but the concept of embracing a …

WE CALL: Show Us Your (BINGO) Cards

When we launched this challenge in January 2024, our business goals included expanding VoteSharp to more subscribers and avoiding campaign work. We all know how that went… Our plans for summertime civic engagement training events fell by the wayside, so those obviously weren’t able to be crossed off, but everything else was doable. As a reminder, here’s the original email with challenge …

Drop Your Shoulders: Give Grace

It’s been a few weeks and my fingers are twitching to write – but will still keep it short! Today’s Serve60Sharp concept is grace. Give it to yourself and others. We NEVER know what’s going on in someone’s life. Many times even our closest friends. Americans suck it up and do what we need to do. Especially women. Whining about it …

Challenge: Spend Less, Give More

Our community service tip for this week is a SPENDING CHALLENGE! Not our idea, but from Rev. Adam Hamilton at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection here in the KC area. It’s a simple concept Happy serving – your community AND Thanksgiving dinner! Stephanie

The 2024 Sharp Sheet: Ballots Have Landed!

SO MANY STATES mailed ballots this week and many of those also start in-person advance voting. Find everything you need to know to vote in your state by visiting Let’s make turnout too big to rig!Being actively involved in state and local politics gives a person a unique perspective on the candidates and races – a perspective which could be …

Neighborly Resourcing: Pick a Meeting, Any Meeting!

Amid complaints of lacking transparency, units of government have “flooded the zone” with as much public information as possible in an effort to avoid conflict with the public. As a voter looking for information, this 100% access comes with challenges because there’s SO MUCH information out there, sometimes it can seem impossible to find what you’re really looking for. With VoteSharp in …

Fair Warning… Women4US Content Incoming!

We got a lot of um… feedback from the last VoteSharp newsletter, but we see you’re still here, so thanks for sticking around! In addition to Women4US news from time to time, we’ll be providing resources you might find helpful for navigating this election cycle. If you’ve ever wondered why some candidates don’t show up to public forums, we’ve had …

Help ME Help YOU*

PLEASE don’t complain to me about your elected officials being unengaged or uncommunicative UNLESS you’ve answered the door when they came by… They LITERALLY walked to your house and are standing ON YOUR DOORSTEP!! Stephanie did campaign consulting for more than a decade and she knows voters don’t like: And yet, “I never hear from my elected official” is a common refrain. EACH of these examples …

Holidays in a Hurry

As if your daily mental load isn’t enough, add the exhaustion of this election cycle, and now we’re bringing up the holidays already? Pumpkins at the grocery store, candy bags clogging the aisles, and avoiding those aisles like the plague if you have kids in tow… But let’s talk about the December holidays!!!! This is your reminder to get family …